Arctic Light

Arctic Light Girls Choir - a unique musical greenhouse

Artistic Director and founder of Arctic Light Girls Choir

Susanna is the Artistic Director and founder of the acclaimed young regional choir Arctic Light Girls Choir, that since 2008 is a permanent youth ensemble at Norrbottensmusiken. With the singers living in different parts of this very large region, the choir can only meet on weekends a couple of times every year.

The artistic identity of the choir that Susanna has created characterizes both by the regional identity of great nature sceneries and also of innovative ways to always create multisensory experiences for the audience, using different artistic expressions, creating a unique artistic identity, rooted in the region of the most northern part of Sweden, the Swedish Lapland.

A unique fresh and crystal clear choral sound,  strong emotional expression, movements where the singers are allowed to use their voices, bodies and personalities in the choral expression - together with a unique musical identity rooted in this northern region makes Arctic Light something special.

This region is vast with large distances, low population and great areas of wilderness, high mountains and ravishing northerns lights, such as the Aurora Borealis in the winter and the bright midnight sun around the clock in the summertime.  This region also hold the indigenous Sami culture.

Susanna  founded the choir in 2004 with the strong vision of creating a unique vocal ensemble with strong artistic identity, where young girls from the northern part of Sweden, very far from the big cities and their rich cultural life , would also have the possiibilities to develop themselves musically, personally and socially by singing on a high artistic level.

To be able to fulfill the vision she has very deliberatly built innovative methods and a warm, inclusive and co-creative leadership that allows the singers to take part in the creative processes, reaching remarkable results in short time. Everything with the purpose of strengthening the singers, letting every person grow as an individual.
Susanna has developed methods, aiming to bring out the best in every singer, containing different artistic expressions and where different kinds of improvisation is an important tool.

The Choir of the Year in Sweden 2010

Arctic Light Girls Choir has under the leadership of Susanna reached great success borh nationally and internationally, with prizes and awards such as Choir of the Year in Sweden in 2010.

They have been invited to Choral festivals and Concert Tours  and competitions in both Sweden, Europe and Asia and performed for as well royalties as children.
The corner stones of Susannas method:

Every singer shall be able to fluorish and bloom as an individual in the group and have the warm environment and the space to contribute with theie whole person - the voice, body, intellect, creativity and emotions in the musical and creative process.

The focus is always on the process and the exploring of new ways to create new experiences of choral art using for example improviastion, emotional experiences, scenic and physical expresson in the choral work.

Through the music that Susanna composes for Arctic Light, the choir also builds a regional artistic profile close to the place of origin, and the repertoire also contains influences from folk music traditions from all over the world and newly written music through commissions from different composers.

Arctic Light CD:

Vinterglöd 2008 ( Winterglow)
Song of Hope 2011
Song of Mountain birch 201
Elements 2019

 Det är i mötet med olikheter som vi utvecklas och kan sätta vår egen identitet i ett sammanhang. Det gäller också musiken. Vi berikas i mötet med andra kulturers musikaliska rötter och det uppstår något nytt. Man kan likna det vid att Arctic Light som en fjällbjörk har sina rötter stadigt förankrad på norrbottnisk mark och sträcker sina grenar ut mot omvärlden för att hitta nya horisonter."

Susanna Lindmark och kören Arctic light

In a time where there is a massive pressure on young people, regarding how to look, how to act , how to be and behave, my purpose with my work with the choir has been to create a safe and warm environment, where you are allowed to be yourself. I want the choir to be a safe, warm, encouraging musical greenhouse where everyone will be able to see and find their own potential and get the tools to explore and develop that potential. With the power of music give them lots of experiences of joy and meaning and hard work, so that they can build a strength that will carry them through life. I want them to go out in the world as possible leaders, raising their voices when needed and also to be solidly rooted in themselves, knowing their self-worth. To feel hope in our crazy world.

Kören Arctic Light i kreativ övning